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Nkwelle Metuge My condolences March 6, 2013
This is such a great loss indeed to the residents of Fomenky street as she was our pride and joy. We all looked up to her. She will be greatly missed and May she rest in perfect peace. Take heart chief , God is in control.
Pascaline Ghandzeni Condolence February 14, 2013
Mother Keng

I found myself sitting on cold snow when I read an SMS from Sr Caro Fon. I had fever , headache and you can name the rest. The shock was too much. I shouted like a mad woman just to ease the tension in my head. We enjoyed our postulancy because of the motherly warmness we received from you. Good people do not last . We gave you all sorts of names, Mother, Mami Abundance, Mami Clean clean" because of the type of person you were. The one year we spent in Baseng with you was heaven for us. Baseng is not a place that one will like to be there , but you made life sweet and comfortable for us. You spoiled us really and that is why we all called you''MOTHER". Whatever we asked of you in Baseng you were ready to give us. Some of us loved eating Calaba chalk and you bought it in a good quanty each time you went to Kumba. I remember you brought this idea of visiting the families of the candidates before admission into the postulancy. This worked so well and you knew all of us and our backgrounds. Now our parents are calling left and right that , sister Nkeng is no more. Mother Nkeng  who shall ever call me PASCA again? It is too heavy on me because I cannot see your remains. You have gone with your wonderful smile. You were unique in SST. You touched the lives of many. We shall forever mourn your departure. Mother Nkeng , I know you have gone to continue your work in a better place. Do Pray for me in a special way. What I learned from you during my postulancy, taking care of the poor, the unloved and your generousity , shall maintain a fresh Memory of yours in me.
Mother Keng Travel safely and extend my greetings to Sr Angeline Fonyuy. Little did we know that you will follow Maa Ange so soon.
 Do rest in Perfect peace.

Pascaline Ghandzeni
in Netherlands
Eric Beliguila Muteck Keep Shining Bright Above February 13, 2013
I am deeply saddened by the loss we all share. I am sure we will be comforted by your memories and your Love which is very much alive. I am at a loss of words. I know there is nothing for me to say which will make this loss easier. The sorrow of the faithful is not of permanent loss, but the tender sense of sadness that comes in saying good-bye for now to someone we love like you. God saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be. So He put His Arms around you and whispered "Come to me". with tearful eyes we watched you and saw you passed away. Although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, hardworking hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us, He only takes the best. May today's sorrow give way to the peace and comfort of God's infinite love. Beloved Sr Emmanuella, keep shining bright above.
Caroline Nanje(and Ola Nanje) In Loving Memories February 10, 2013
Dear Reverend Sister Nkeng Fomenky,

My name is Caroline Nanje - the Oldest Daughter of late Mr. & Mrs. Nanje of Kumba, who were friends to your Parents. My Baby Sister is Ola Nanje (ex QRC Student, also attempted Reverenship at one point), who owns a Store in Limbe Market, a place you visited often and had conversations with her days before your sudden departure. My Sister Ola Nanje called me crying that "Oh Sister Caro, Our Beloved Sister Nkeng Fomenky has just passed. She said to me that you told her you were tired, tired and tired all the time. My first thought was "those Bad Roads". Whey Cameroon! Even for Holy Missions carried by Blessed & Holy Personnel such as Sister Fomenky, why is the infrastructure still so bad? Rev Sister Fomenky, my Sister tells me that you were like a Older Sister to her. You made every effort to see her, prayed for her and gave her advise whenever she was in Cameroon for business and talked often with her when she was back in US. Rev Sister Fomenky, I never met you but all the wonderful words from my Sister Ola makes me wish I had met you in person or even had an opportunity for a 5 minute phone conversation. Oh Dear God Almighty! I have searched for your photos via internet to see what you look like and to say "Thank You For All Your Kindness& Graciousness". You are a Saint to us all. You've touched me through my Sister Ola. On this Sunday Feb 10th, I have watched the slides, read the tributes and just cried & cried. Whey! Why did I not meet you. Such a Beautiful Person you are. As a Catholic, I pray to Our Almighty God to keep you safe.

You will be missed immensely but never forgotten.


Caroline Nanje
San Francisco, CA
Norbert Fomenky Gone so soon February 8, 2013
  Sister Nkeng,
                    The news was shocking, in fact the greatest shock yet it was confirmed true hours later. You were a source of inspiration. Norbi or Nobiroy, 'appellations called only by my close freinds' you always when we met. Why so soon. The entire world misses you but most especially the St theresa sis, the UIDB, CKC, Mount Mary and the Menkt and Tumi families. I wish i knew it will be so soon, i would have sent greetings to our fathers, uncles etc. But pls do it Saint Nkengasong. I write with tears and cann't contnue. Adieu my sister and please do intercede for us.
Fomenkyconrald to my beloved sister February 8, 2013
my beloved sister i cant belived u are gone so soon i can stil remenber whn i was in school hw u were always there for me and i remenber whn i passed o lever u alone sent me to st austine and hw u took care of me and hw u use to protect me when mama want to shout at me and i remeber when i was dismise from st austine u protected me and told mama not  to worried her self about me i wil never forget al those protection from u to me u were a motherly figure to al the young fomenkys may ur soul rest in peace al i wil say is adieu sirter
Edwin A Wounded Hearts February 6, 2013
Dear Sister Emmanuella, thou has formed you for Thyself and your heart was restless while on earth. Now you have finally find rest in Thee.  The tears from our eyes will hardly stop to drop and the wounded hearts might be hard to heal. RIP.
Chief Fonkengtem David 111 i will miss you Sister. February 5, 2013
My Dearest Sister Nkeng, you left so soon, our ways are not God ways. He knows why He has taken you so soon. I will miss your sweet smile Sister, you will be forever remember in my heart. May your faithful soul rest in perfect peace.

Chief Fonkengtem david 111
Bridget Nkematabong Thanks February 5, 2013
 Your short life made a difference in our catholic community. 
  You made the choice to work for God which was the list attractive choice to any girl at your age
   Your choice sure bear many fruits. Rest in peace.

   Thanks Nkeng.  
Bro. Bezeazu-uh Bryan The Hopes of Believers Never Die February 5, 2013
Though a great lost, we may not weep as though all hope is lost. We hope for a day of the resurrection, where we shall truly all be joined in eternal rejoicing before the throne of our Father. Sincere expression of wounded-mindedness, but all the same a new channel of reflection for us who still live.
    May our Lord receive you before the host of angels and saints on High.
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